Politecnico di Milano and Milano Multiphysics are glad to announce the first summer school on “OpenFOAM for multiphysics modeling of Nuclear Reactors”.
During the school, you will be guided through a full multi-physics modeling of a nuclear reactor. You will learn how to tailor the available OpenFOAM CFD solvers to the needs of nuclear reactor analysis, how to create new solvers for neutronics, and how to couple OpenFOAM to a Monte Carlo code like Serpent. The Summer School will include both frontal lectures and interactive tutorials.
At the end of the school, you will be able to independently develop and use modern tools for the multi-physics analysis of nuclear reactors, and to translate these competences into advanced applications for industry and research.
The school will be hosted at the Politecnico di Milano, Bovisa campus, from 3-7 September 2018.