The PhD of Alexandre Lecoanet was carried out in LEMTA (University of Lorraine/France) and LEAG (CEA/Cadarache/France) within the scope of ESFR-SMART project. Example of cavity shape evolution. During a severe…
Antonio Jiménez-Carrascosa is one of the students who benefited from the ESFR-SMART student mobility program. He spent three months in Switzerland (November 2019 to January 2020), at the Paul Scherrer…
Guillaume Révy is the first student who has benefited from the ESFR-SMART student mobility program. He spent eight weeks in Riga (May to July 2019), at the Institute of Physics of…
The Paul Scherrer Insitute (PSI), one of the ESFR-SMART partners, is looking for a PhD student in the field of experimental and analytical study of condensation and chugging conditions in…