organised by the university of latvia institute of physics, the european workshop on magneto-hydrodynamics in liquid metal systems (MHD) will take place in two parts in krakow, poland and salaspils, latvia 8-12 july 2022.
The workshop is organized in the framework of the ESFR-SMART Project, and it is devoted to topics related to magneto-hydrodynamics, thermal-hydraulics and technologies ie EM pumps, thermopumps, instrumentation, as well as issues concerning the safety of sodium fast reactors.
part 1
Lecturers on MHD application in the nuclear field, embedded in Summer School (8-9 July) organised by the University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Poland and the European Society of Magnetohydrodynamics (EuMHD) within the frame of the PAMIR Conference (4-7 July)
Lectures in Riga, Latvia (11-12 July) on ESFR-SMART project, R&D on MHD applicatinos, thermo-pumps, start-up and operation of dedicated Na loop (SSL-EMT) and its instrumentation, including practical calibration exercises. Visit of IPUL.
general context
One important aspect of safe operation of 4th Generation reactors relies on the coolant behavior. The understanding of the thermal-hydraulic and magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD) phenomena of liquid metals is crucial for the design of pumps, instrumentation… and safety assessment of the new reactors. Recently, a renewed interest in the whole world for Advanced Modular Reactors of small power makes it possible to propose new options such as heat pumps, more innovative energy conversion systems, up-graded instrumentation, etc.
The workshop aims to introduce the audience into the field of MHD and its potential applications in liquid metals, emphasizing the relationship with new systems and technologies and reactor safety. First, fundamentals of MHD will be addressed, focusing on liquid metals and particularly on sodium. Then, the modeling strategies and computer codes for the simulation of these relevant physical phenomena will be tackled. The dedicated facilities and experiments to investigate the involved phenomena and mechanisms will be also introduced, as well as other MHD applications, during the visit of IPUL. The students will have the possibility to participate, by following an interactive pedagogy, to some practical exercises dedicated to the operation of a new Sodium facility dedicated to MHD (SSL-EMT ) and calibration of 3 flowmeters, using Venturi tube, under the supervision of
IPUL qualified staff.
Master and PhD students, regulatory authorities, scientific and technical staff and young professionals are welcome. The session of practical exercise is dedicated to Master and PhD students. The workshop language will be English.
- General aspects of Liquid Metal Fast Reactors
- Large Electro-magnetic Pumps
- Thermo-pumps and their potential Implementation in nuclear systems
- Instrumentation for flow-rate measurements
- MHD Cold crucible for Severe Accident studies
- Innovative Energy conversion systems
Download the agenda here.
The workshop is free of charge for all participants.
Note: Registration for the PAMIR Conference (organised from 4-7 July in Krakow) must be made directly on the conference website.
Contact information & Registration
Useful information can be found here.
scientific Committee
Leonids Buligins IPUL leonids.buligins@lu.lv
Linards Goldsteins IPUL linards.goldsteins@lu.lv
Kalvis Kravalis IPUL kalvis.kravalis@lu.lv
Imants Kaldre IPUL imants.kaldre@gmail.com
Christian Latgé CEA christian.latge@cea.fr
Antoine Alemany* CNRS antoine.alemany@grenoble-inp.fr
workshop organising Committee
Leonids Buligins IPUL leonids.buligins@lu.lv
Imants Kaldre IPUL imants.kaldre@gmail.com
Christian Latgé CEA christian.latge@cea.fr
The workshop will be held in:
– Krakow, (University of Science and Technology) (aleja Adama Mickiewicza 30), and
– Riga at the University of Latvia Academic Center’ s House of Science in Tornakalns, Jelgavas street 1, Riga, LV-1004.
Detailed information with respect to hotel accommodation and transport will be provided later.